
Choose My Adventure: Choose wisely

Choose the adventures of the WoW.com staff as we level our characters in on Zangarmarsh (US-PVE-H). Here's the schedule: ■Fox Van Allen as Foxlight, the blood elf paladin: Friday, 8 p.m. EDT ■Robin Torres as Robinemia, the undead mage; runescape gold, Michael Sacco as Sahko, the orc warlock; Christian Belt, as Selfloathius, the blood elf warlock; Elizabeth Harper as Faience, the troll shaman; Matthew Rossi as Andrenorton, the troll mage; Michael Gray as Grayfields, swtor credits, the tauren hunter; Adam Holisky as Adammentat, the tauren druid; and Gregg Reece as Sandwichdoc, the troll shaman, will be making appearances as they can. So, we have some polls this week ... some choices for you to buy runescape gold, make ... some ways that you can make what you read about our adventurers more interesting. Turn the page and choose wisely. Sandwichdoc needs to know what professions you want him to have. What professions should Sandwichdoc the troll buy swtor credits shaman take? Alchemy/Herbalism 487 (25.2%) Blacksmithing/Mining 97 (5.0%) Engineering/Mining 356 (18.4%) Jewelcrafting/Mining 265 (13.7%) Inscription/Herbalism 201 (10.4%) Enchanting/Gathering (state which one in the comments) 34 (1.8%) runescape money Leatherworking/Skinning 297 (15.4%) Tailoring/Enchanting 141 (7.3%) Tailoring/Gathering (state which one in the comments) 26 (1.3%) Other combination. Please state what combination in the comments below and why. 30 (1.6%) He also would swtor gold like you to choose his talent tree. Choose Sandwichdoc's talent tree Restoration 586 (29.6%) Enhancement 705 (35.7%) Elemental 686 (34.7%) Robinemia is going to start pursuing a major achievement of your choosing. If the winner is one that is a collection of smaller swtor credits fast delivery achievements, we'll have another poll next week for which one of the smaller ones to do first. Or if you come up with an achievement in the comments that I wish I had added, then we'll do this all over again and get it right. What achievement should Robinemia work on? World Explorer 163 runescape power leveling (7.4%) Loremaster 279 (12.7%) Exalted with the Horde 201 (9.1%) Lil' Game Hunter 173 (7.9%) To all the Squirrels I've Loved Before/Pest Control 347 (15.8%) Insane in the Membrane 784 (35.7%) Well Read 239 (10.9%) Other achievement (State which one in the comments) 11 (0.5%) I'm thinking about streaming my scheduled adventure times starting next week. What do you think? Should I stream Robinemia's adventures? Yes! 1191 (57.9%) No. 104 (5.1%) I don't care, I just want to see how everyone else voted. 762 (37.0%) Polls end on Sunday and the results will be up on Monday. Choose wisely.

