
D3 Witch Doctor Guide – Strengths

The primary strength of the Witch Doctor class is its raw damage output. The Soul Harvest ability allows you to literally double your damage and it can be kept up nearly 100% of the time. As a result, the Witch Doctor’s | diablo 3 gold fast delivery damage is off the charts by default. In particular, the Witch Doctor deals excellent single-target damage. This is due to its Poison | buy cheap diablo 3 gold Dart ability. With the Splinters rune, this skill dishes out 180% weapon damage and has a mana cost so low you can cast it indefinitely. When you combine a practically | d3 gold free to use, high-damage skill with a huge self buff to damage, it is not surprising the Witch Doctor’s strength is single target damage output. Another strength of the Witch Doctor is its pets and snares. Between gw2 gold these two things, it is not very often that the Witch Doctor actually gets hit by enemies. When you consider the large amount of Intelligence the Witch Doctor has increases its magic resistance significantly, it turns out the Witch Doctor guild wars 2 power leveling takes very little damage in general. Finally, the Witch Doctor gets access to a lot of control abilities which will come in handy in PvP. It has an AoE fear, an AoE charm, and the Hex ability which causes nearby targets to be unable to act and take extra damage. However, all classes have their weaknesses, including the Witch Doctor. In the next part of this Diablo 3 Witch Doctor guide, we are going to reveal the Witch Doctor’s weaknesses so you know exactly what pitfalls to avoid as a WD in D3.

